Our Mission

The Massachusetts Bowling Association was formed by a few visionary

people who saw the necessity for standardization in the Candlepin

Industry. We are thoroughly dedicated to the sport with a wish to see it

flourish and thrive.

Our Goals

· To promote, encourage, preserve, stabilize, strengthen, enlarge, unify, and coordinate the recreation of candlepin bowling.

· To foster goodwill, harmonious action, mutual respect and fair dealing among members, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and others engaged in the business of supplying equipment and services to bowling lane proprietors.

· To foster, promote, standardize, and perpetuate the sport of candlepin bowling and all its pattern as a wholesome recreation for all ages and to achieve and maintain candlepin bowling at its highest possible level.

· To elevate to the highest standards the sportsmanship of all involved, impressing that one should bowl for fun and recreation and for sport's sake alone.

· To promulgate a code of ethics.

· To exchange ideas which will help members perfect sound business methods and eliminate abuses.

· To compile and disseminate statistics and other information of value to the members.

· To investigate and adjust fairly to questions arising among members.

· To do any and all things and exercise any and all powers necessary, convenient, or advisable to accomplish one or more of the purposes of the corporation.

What We Do

Sponsor Tournaments

MBA Tournaments are exclusive to MBA Average Card Holders and tend to be highly competitive events. Spectators welcome!

Promote the Sport of Candlepin

From health benefits, to bowling party planning we’re covering it! Make sure to check out our social media accounts in the future as we build candlepin bigger than ever!

Align Partnerships

We’re always looking for ways to grow the sport, and help navigate resources for anyone who needs them. Our partnerships serve as a community just for that purpose!

Youth Programs & Scholarships

Keeping Candlepin alive only works by engaging our future bowlers. Our youth programs include junior bowling leagues, the Kids Bowl Free summer program & State Tournaments!


Candlepin bowling has been around since 1878.

First played in Worcester, Massachusetts, Candlepin Bowling is a game that remains unique to New England, and parts of Canada. It wasn’t until March of 1946 that the Massachusetts Bowling Association was formed by a group of candlepin bowlers native to the state who just wanted to see the sport appreciated for the exciting, skillful, sport it continues to prove itself to be.

Massachusetts Bowling Association

460 Bedford St

Abington, MA 02351

[email protected]


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